There is an increased demand from retailers and distributors in the beverage alcohol market for data...
...real-time intelligence and software or tools that increase productivity. The growing number of available products is quickly decreasing the amount of shelf space, making real-time retail intelligence absolutely critical.
At GoSpotCheck, we strive to be the best company we can be—which means constantly learning from companies we admire. By the same token, we are committed to examining our mobile data collection tool through testing in the real world. Since both our roots and our headquarters are in Colorado, we feel strongly about promoting and collaborating with other Colorado-founded companies. As such, we made two missions to survey the merchandising of New Belgium Brewing Company.

Twenty-four of our team members took our mobile survey application into the field, and collected data about New Belgium beer both on-premise and off-premise, while answering the respective mission.

Dozens of geotags and hundreds of data points gave us information regarding product placement, price point, supporting advertising, promotional material and signage. To test, validate and support the data collection, the mission required photos identifying New Belgium signage and showing how the brand’s marketing collateral was deployed.

It’s our understanding, given GoSpotCheck’s experience in the beverage alcohol industry, that data points surrounding shelf space, marketing campaigns and retail employee knowledge are instrumental to succeed in the marketplace. As competition increases, the integration of real-time data, GPS and photo validation will continue to become more vital. A retail data collection tool that encompasses those features is invaluable for beer and other beverage alcohol companies alike.
The GoSpotCheck team had fun completing our New Belgium mission (and drinking their tasty brews). The brewer’s dedication to retail execution was abundantly evident to each GoSpotCheck team member after experiencing New Belgium’s field merchandising first-hand.