We never like to brag around here, but I was pretty excited to find out that GoSpotCheck was selected as a SIIA NextGen Company at their 2013 All About the Cloud conference.
The NextGen Program “features the most innovative companies that are transforming the software and services industry” and we are honored to be included in some great company.

As part of the recognition, I was invited to attend the SIIA All About the Cloud conference last week and sit on a panel featuring other NextGen company leaders. We had a great discussion about how cloud technology is enabling innovation and changing the way that businesses buy and sell software products. There were many topics covered in our panel discussion, but I wanted to share a few themes we discussed that I think are especially relavent in today’s market.
- Cloud technology lets users to stay connected anywhere: by giving team members the ability to access company data and applications on the go and allowing for immediate syncing of data, employees are able to easily stay connected even when on the road. I think this is a big shift for software because it is enabling new and different types of applications to emerge, whether they are use-case specific or providing the infrastructure to enable this activity.
- Great mobile apps for businesses need to be focused: because of the small screen size, mobile apps for business users work best when they have one or two specific use cases, vs traditional enterprise software that tries to jam every feature imaginable into the product.
- The rules for buying and selling software have changed: because of the proliferation of easy to distribute SaaS products, line of business users now have a much bigger say in the buying process and often make decisions without getting IT very involved. This changes the game for how software is bought and sold and is helping drive the success of SaaS companies such as Box and Salesforce.
All in all, it was a great event and I was glad to attend. GoSpotCheck is certainly playing to a lot of the key themes emerging in cloud based enterprise software and I believe that the opportunity will only grow over the next few years. We have seen first hand how these changes in the market place are impacting our customers and are excited to be playing a part in this changing landscape.