We’ve explored it from many angles and can’t emphasize the concept enough—

Flexibility is a key attribute of a well-designed mobile data collection application. Ease of use, multiple device functionality, and the ability to segment data on the backend are all essential features of an application that leverages data and drives critical insights.

For one, flexibility and ease of use mean that the optimal mobile data platform is both Android- and iOS-compatible and can sync with CRM products like Salesforce. After all, the point is to get up and running quickly to generate valuable intelligence from the field, without fumbling to implement and apply the tool in the first place.

With regard to implementation, there’s a common perception that new technology is hard to roll out. And this perception is rooted in the unfortunate reality that progress on the enterprise technology front is critically lagging behind consumer technology. At GoSpotCheck, we are embracing user interface and experience designs that resemble and mimic the look and feel of consumer applications.

It all starts with the uncomplicated and hassle-free on-boarding and software implementation process. Our users tell us that, following a single training session, they understand how to use GoSpotCheck right away. From there, they are ready to enjoy an enterprise application that is as intuitive as a consumer one—equipped with an elegant dashboard characterized by high-level views, graphs, charts and rich media elements that immediately point to valuable insights. Such a streamlined dashboard is complete with shortcuts that enable users to drill down into business intelligence and access more detailed information.

And as we say time and time again, flexibility is paramount. It is essential that users can modify the platform to best adapt it to their own responsibilities and work style preferences. Not only are the charts, graphs and analyses capable of being modified and updated with the simple click of a button, but it also means that users can create customized entry fields that suit their needs.

We hope that our employee technology is advancing productivity and generating greater insights every day. By emphasizing true flexibility, GoSpotCheck empowers users to furnish managers with the sharpest real-time picture of the dynamic and fast-moving business terrain.

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